Marketing Tools
Incorporated Marketing Tools to take your site to to the next stage

Making use of our Marketing Tools, you’re able to work on your website’s worldwide recognition directly from your Web Control Panel. Via the Sitemap Generator you will get a thorough sitemap for your web site in minutes. You could submit the sitemap to search engines so that they could crawl your web site as soon as possible. In addition, with the RSS News syndication software, you’re able to add frequently updated publications on your web site, which is a warranty for better rating positions with the major search engines. AS Web Hosting’s GeoIP re–direction application will enable you to direct visitors from a specified country towards a certain language variation of your web site for more precise targeting results.
A Sitemap Generator
Generate a sitemap with all of your web pages a click of the mouse
The fastest way to get your recently launched website listed in the search engines is to post a sitemap. The sitemap lists the whole set of webpages on your site and by uploading it to a search engine, you notify it that you want those pages to get indexed in a timely manner. Sitemaps are typically generated by third–party applications. Nevertheless, here, it’s not necessary to navigate out of your Web Control Panel. Our custom–built Sitemap Generator is bundled within the Advanced Resources section and will generate a sitemap on your behalf with a click of the mouse.
All you have to do is select the top quantity of pages you’ll want to be indexed, the depth of the crawled URLs as well as the format of the sitemap data file.
GeoIP Redirection
Hassle–free location–focused re–directions
We provide you with a simple tool, which will allow you to narrow the visitors of your website according to their area. For example, utilizing the GeoIP redirection application, you can quickly forward all the website traffic coming from Spain to the Spanish version of your site if you’ve got such. This enables you to target your web visitors more precisely and supply them with the on–site stay they are expecting.
No exclusive capabilities or special know–how are necessary to use the GeoIP re–direction tool, and you no longer have to use .htaccess files to get the job done.
RSS News
Show the most up–to–date headlines within your web site
What is actually RSS? RSS represents a technology for posting and accumulating information. It’s becoming frequently used by news sites, private blogging sites, newscasts, and so forth. The posted content is quickly gathered by a news reader and after that shown to the consumer. Working with RSS, clients can get hold of news from multiple web sites and review them in one place.
Using the RSS News Publication application, you can easily integrate information feeds from a lot of the world’s most favored news outlets and demonstrate them on your own website.