Client Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A One–Hour Support Ticket Response Guarantee

  • All your support requests will be dealt with within maximum 60 min after the support ticket or e–mail was received. If your issue needs additional assistance from a server admin, we’ll direct the trouble ticket or the email to the person in charge, right away then leave a note to inform you that more time will be required for discovering the optimal solution. Furthermore if you take advantage of the Administration Services package, any of the tasks included there will be performed whenever you desire.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Top–Quality Customer Support Service

  • We will be at your disposal 24–7–365 to reply to any questions that you may have pertaining to our Web Control Panel or any of the apps that we have pre–installed on your behalf on the dedicated web hosting server. If you also require assistance with server management procedures, you can examine our Administration Services package, which includes data backup hard disk drive space, OS updates on a weekly basis, server monitoring and restarting services, as well as installation and problem troubleshooting procedures

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Easy–to–Navigate Help Area

  • Every Linux dedicated hosting server is equipped with our charge–free Web Control Panel, which features an extensive knowledgebase and a collection of educational video tutorials. Whenever you require assistance working with the Web Control Panel, just hit the Videos or Help buttons in the upper right corner.