Monthly Traffic
What exactly is "Monthly Traffic"? What amount of monthly traffic will you be needing for your websites and apps?
Every time any info is uploaded to a shared web hosting account or downloaded from it, some traffic is generated and that is a characteristic that each and every hosting plan has. It's also among the features you should check, because what amount of traffic quota you will need depends upon what you need the account for. The traffic is mainly produced by downloads including site visits. In simple terms, each time somebody opens your web site, the web pages are downloaded from the server on his or her computer and they're then shown by their internet browser. It's of course recommendable to be aware that uploads count too, which means that whenever you copy bigger files from your laptop or computer to the server, some traffic is generated as well. Different companies may have different names for this feature, such as traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, still all of them apply to the exact same thing - the amount of incoming and outgoing information created for a particular period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Web Hosting
All of our
Linux shared web hosting are appropriate for any small or medium-sized website and even a larger variety of websites. Considering that you can host numerous domains from a single account, we have designed the plans in such a way so as to provide all options you may need. No matter if you have a personal portfolio website or an e-commerce website, the monthly website traffic allowance that your website can use won't be an issue. Thus, you will have the opportunity to extend your online presence and obtain countless new visitors without having to worry about hitting a cap. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel will offer you comprehensive info related to the traffic usage to and from your account, that will enable you to control all your web sites and your account more effectively. You can view hourly, daily and monthly stats, the website traffic produced by each domain and by the account as a whole, the most downloaded files, etc.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All of our semi-dedicated server plans can host various resource-hungry web sites as they feature a large amount of computing power. Such websites quite often generate a lot of web site traffic and by reason of this we've decided not to restrict this feature. When you use a
semi-dedicated server, it is possible to have as many visitors as you are able to get without having to worry that you will get to a limit for the site traffic they can produce. For your convenience, you can keep track of what is going on in the account as we'll supply you with hourly, daily and monthly stats for the website traffic your sites produce. Consequently, you will be informed on how they perform at any time. You will even be able to check out which webpage or file has produced the most traffic for every single website hosted in your semi-dedicated server account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS
Linux VPS that we provide feature a monthly traffic quota proportional to the system resources they come with. The more hard disk space and processing power a server has, the more likely it is that you'll host more sites on it, for that reason the traffic you're able to use will increase with each and every package. If you need extra traffic at some time, you can enhance the plan via your billing Control Panel with no more than a few mouse-clicks and the additional resources, including the increased traffic allowance, will be added to your existing account. You will also be to view how much data has been transferred to and from your virtual server all the time. For your convenience, we'll notify you as soon as you reach 90% of your quota so as to give you sufficient time to react and reduce your traffic or update your plan if required. Via your control panel, you'll be able to view the website traffic stats for every single domain or subdomain in your VPS account.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
Taking into account how powerful our
Linux dedicated hosting are, the data transfer that you will get every single month will be enough for any kind of website whatever the amount of its visitors, even if you offer image or file hosting. You will get an allowance of terabytes of traffic each and every month and because you won't share the server with others, that quota will be available just for your websites and web applications. We will inform you whenever you reach 90% of your allowance so that you'll be able to react and either optimize your sites to lessen the traffic they generate, or increase your limit. It's extremely unlikely that you may ever require more than what we will give you, however we will not stop the development of your web sites, that's why we leave the option to add additional traffic open. The dedicated server plans feature a control panel where you can see how much website traffic has been produced so far for the present month and how much is left until you reach the limit. Due to the fact that these figures include software installations and updates, they're more correct than numerous hosting Control Panel statistics that include just the website traffic generated by sites.