In case you have never had a web hosting account or you are changing companies and the new one uses a Control Panel tool that you haven’t seen before, you may become baffled about how to do a particular operation in your account or on your desktop PC. That’s the reason why, some web hosts have prepared a knowledge base, which covers the most frequent queries and challenges connected with the specific platform they use, rather than adding only some general information. This sort of knowledge base will permit you to find the desired info swiftly and effortlessly, so you won’t have to spend time and effort on issues that may require something as elementary as pressing a button or checking off a tick box. In this way, not only can you get stuff done, but you can also acquaint yourself with loads of new and important details, both about the way you can administer your account and about the way the web hosting service works in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Web Hosting
If you have ordered your very first shared web hosting account through our company or have moved your website over to us, you will become used to our services and our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel in a jiffy thanks to the fact that we have prepared a thorough web-based knowledge base where you can find all the information that you may ever need – both general info about the hosting service as a whole and more specific info about the different functions that you can use and the issues that you can stumble upon. The articles themselves are available in 2 locations. The full article collection is accessible through the Control Panel’s Help section. You can access relevant articles about the different functions in each and every section of the Control Panel as well. You can learn how to do basically everything, from creating an .htaccess config file to administering a mailing list, and all the articles include in-depth guidelines, so you will never get disoriented on account of an ambiguous text. Certainly, in case you come across a more specific problem and you cannot find an adequate solution in our knowledge base, you can contact our support team 24-7.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting include comprehensive online documentation where you will see info about all the functions that our in-house created Hepsia Control Panel comes with, in addition to solutions to different questions and issues that you may encounter. All installation guides contain detailed descriptions, which is the reason why you will not need to worry about overlooking something in case you need to export a MySQL database, for instance. The troubleshooting articles cover a number of different possible causes of certain issues and the solution for each one of them, so in case you aren’t able to send email messages although you have the right SMTP server settings, for instance, you can swiftly discover what the reason may be and correct the problem with two or three clicks in your mail client. As the Hepsia Control Panel has quite a few features, you will be able to find related articles in every section. In case you want to check out all help articles, you can use the Help menu, which is located in the upper right-hand corner of the Control Panel.