Auto-responder Emails
Find out more on e-mail auto-responders - what they're and also exactly when they can be useful to you.
An auto-responder is usually a predefined message, which can be sent automatically as an answer to every single email received in a mailbox with this option enabled. The two most typical instances for using this feature are automatic email messages that one is briefly away from the office or that an order has been received successfully. An auto-responder can also be used as a general confirmation that the e-mail is delivered successfully, which can be something quite important in enterprise communication. The message that is sent can be pretty much anything and could be altered depending on the circumstances and exactly what the auto-responder will be employed for. As the option is activated server-side, there isn’t anything you need to do manually and you don't need an email application to be active at all times for an automatic reply to be sent to the individual sending you an e-mail.
Auto-responder Emails in Shared Web Hosting
It will be easy to create an auto-responder message for any of your mailboxes with as few as two clicks with each and every
shared web hosting plan that we offer. The only thing you will have to do is to navigate to the Emails part of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, click the auto-responder button for a certain email, enter the message inside the box that will pop up and save the modification. If you wish to edit or delete a message, you will need to follow the exact same steps. The Emails section will enable you to view which e-mail accounts have an auto-responder feature, so you're able to very easily keep an eye on what's going on with your e-mails. You may also enable or disable the function for several mail boxes at the same time.
Auto-responder Emails in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you are using a
semi-dedicated server package to host your domains with our company, you will be able to easily activate the auto-responder option for any of the email addresses you make in your account. You can do this from the Emails part of our easy to use Hepsia Hosting Control Panel where one can view a list of all your mailboxes. A small icon will show you which one has an enabled auto-responder and which doesn't. To create, manage or remove a message, click on the matching icon for the specific e-mail, type in the text that you want to use, save the changes and you will be all set. If you select multiple emails, you are able to activate or deactivate the option for them in bulk, with just as little efforts.